Welcome to Timber Lakes Elementary, home of the Wolf Pups!
It is my pleasure, as the principal at Timber Lakes Elementary, to welcome you to our school website. I am hopeful you will find the news and information about our school and our students you are looking for. If at any time you have a question or concern, please do not hesitate to reach out to your child's teacher or to me if your needs are not being met. You may call the front office and leave a message for the teacher or for me with any questions or concerns. Please note that this website will be used in conjunction with our weekly digital newsletter and Facebook as our primary means of communication. You can follow us on Facebook by liking our page at http://www.facebook.com/timberlakeselementaryocps/ and our PTA’s page at http://www.facebook.com/timberlakespta/
Here at Timber Lakes, we are striving to build strong relationships with our students to ensure a rigorous and relevant academic experience as we collaboratively lay the foundation to build a lifelong love of learning. It is our firm belief that school should be a special place that creates fond memories for families and students and to do this, all stakeholders must join together to ensure the success of our children.
Jared R. Scott
Jared R. Scott, M.Ed.

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Timber Lakes Elementary Bell Schedule
8:35 am Students Enter Classrooms
8:45 am Instruction Begins
3:00 pm School Day Ends